Eduardo Jacob, member of EHU-QC. Today, at Torre BAT and with the support of the Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Bizkaia,…
Este año volvemos con nuestras Charlas de Divulgación de Mecánica Cuántica, organizadas por la Comisión Académica del Máster en Ciencia y…
Date: Wednesday, Dec. 11th, 2024Time: 11:40 amPlace: 1.A1 (Faculty of Science & Technology, UPV/EHU)Title: Simulating Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics with Atomic…
The general idea is to provide an overview of the basics of classical and quantum information theory. We start by discussing…
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The EHU-QC members Jorge Casanova and David Novoa will participate in the Pint of Science Bilbao 2024 event next monday,…
Series of popular talks on Quantum Mechanics, organized by the Academic Comission of the Master in Quantum Science and Tchnology
Last December 30, Professor Gonzalo Muga was interviewed on the radio (Cadena Ser). You can listen to the interview in…
Nos agrada invitarte a un evento que te hará sumergirte en el fascinante mundode la computación cuántica de la mano…